We’ve been trying to reach you about your extended car warranty! I mean, I haven’t been, it ties into todays topic rather nicely: The IVR, otherwise known as an Auto Attendant.
Press one for this, press two for that, an auto attendant eases call congestion by shoving your callers off into specific areas rather than simply calling and being transferred. The beauty is these options can end up anywhere: extensions, ring groups, voicemails, call queues, other IVR’s. The possibilities are endless.
Other popular uses of an Auto Attendant
▶️ Separating departments!
Press 1 for auto, press two for the mortuary, press three for tacos.
▶️ Assigning a prefix. This means when the call comes through, a message is passed to the screen of the phone showing which option they picked.
▶️ Options for pre-recorded messages, such as address and hours of operation.
To set up your IVR, help with recording, and any other questions, contact us here at ClearConvese!